The Nerve Injury Clinic

Leg Nerve Injuries

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Peripheral Nerve Injury Conditions

Leg Nerve Injuries

Peripheral nerve injuries to the leg and foot can occur due to trauma, compression, or medical conditions affecting the nerves. These injuries may impair sensory and motor functions, depending on which nerve is affected, resulting in pain, altered feeling and/or reduced movement. The major peripheral nerves in the leg are the sciatic nerve, femoral nerve, peroneal nerve and tibial nerve. The most common nerve problem we see is foot drop which affects the ability to lift the foot up as well as causing balance difficulties and tripping. 

The Nerve Injury Clinic treats all lower limb nerve injuries and conditions at all stages of recovery, from the very early phases to many years after onset. We work on strength, movement control and balance. We can always help in some way- either with rehabilitation, pain management, posture or orthotics such as resting supports or foot drop splints.


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